European Council of Spatial Planners - Conseil Européen des Urbanistes (ECTP-CEU)
Presidente ECTP-CEU
In our previous two articles, published in Urbanistica Informazioni 312 and 313, we had stated that during the two months before the time of writing (from mid-October to mid-December), many things happened regarding the ECTP-CEU, starting from three new members admitted during the Autumn General Assembly, held on 5th November 2023 in Gdańsk, Poland. A detailed report was provided about the Ukrainian Association of Spatial Planners (ASP-UC) and the background that had permitted to come to a quick accession process. In addition to the Ukrainian planners’ association, two more valuable organisations entered the ECTP-CEU as corresponding members: the DIST of Turin, Italy and SUDA, the Georgian Spatial and Urban Development Agency. We reported about this in part 2 of this article, published in UI313, where also a summary of ECTP-CEU’s very successful autumn General Assembly, held in Gdańsk, was provided.
ECTP-CEU (2012), ECTP-CEU Study on the Recognition of Planning Qualifications in Europe, 2 November.
ECTP-CEU (2013), Stage 2 Study on the Recognition of Planning Qualifications in Europe. Revisions included based on feedback from member associations of ECTP-CEU, 22 September.
ECTP-CEU (2017), Guidelines on Professional Competences in Spatial Planning, including The Principles of Professional Conduct. Brussels, 7 October.
Nadin V., Cotella G., Schmitt P. (2024), “Spatial planning systems: a European perspective”, in Iid (eds.), Spatial Planning Systems in Europe: Comparison and Trajectories, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, p. 2-27.